Life After Loss

“Grief is a journey that sooner or later we all must take,” writes counselor Tim Jackson. Sharing his personal experience and pointing us to the cross and the power of Christ’s resurrection, Jackson shows us how we can take that journey with hope. In the pages of this booklet, he walks with us through the grieving process and reminds us to “lean on our Creator and each other” for comfort.

Contents Include:

  1. The Journey Through Loss
  2. Grieving Well
  3. Lament and Faith: Reassurance of Hope in Sorrow


Tim Jackson is married to his college sweetheart, Cole. They share life with their 3 adult children and a rambunctious Golden Retriever, Sheba. Tim is the producer for the website, writes Discover Series booklets on a variety of counseling issues and hosts webinars for Our Daily Bread Ministries.

17 Replies to “Life After Loss”

  1. we are starting a grief group and would like to use the life after death i ordered 25 but if you can spare more that would help us and also alot of people at my business love to pick these up when they come in we have a floral shop

  2. I just lost my brother in Feburary and.some other friends passed away . I need some of your booklets (maybe 7) Life after Loss .My husbands been sending money to your ministry. Please let me know what your booklets will cost.Thank you

  3. Just lost a good friend. I missed his funeral I overslept I’m having a hard time dealing with the fact that I missed his funeral do to sin. He was a friend that I could share a lot of my problems with and he would share his too. He did love the Lord.

  4. I have read the Our Daily Bread series over the years off and on and have enjoyed them always. Sometimes it surprises me how dead on they can be for what I’m going through at that moment. I say off and on because it has always depended upon what was going on in my life. And for the past few years it has been a lot more on then off. Well I lost my Dear Loving Mother coming up on eight months the 21st of this month. It hasn’t gotten easier but it may be leading me into the WHAT I should or maybe NEED to do with the rest of my life here. I want to say thank you for you’re always being there and being so readily available. I still suggest it to others and let them know where they can find it on their own. No not just the subscription page but many of our local churches. Thank You again, a faithful and daily,
    Our Daily Bread Reader.
    Christopher Whitehead

    1. Hello Christopher —

      I ditto your comment about how “Sometimes it surprises me how dead on they [i.e., the Daily Bread] can be for what I’m going through at that moment. I was just cleaning out little items in my bible case and came across some old Daily Breads when I noticed one from the quarter of March through May 2016. You see, I just lost my husband of 36 years and 8 months on April 8th of this year. And, when I turned to the Daily Bread lesson for April 8th, the title read, “In Transition” which subject discussed life beyond the grave. My God, this lesson not only helped me in my grief. But, it also pointed and referenced further reading of “Life After Loss at”, which lead me to also see your comment. Well, I read the Discovery Series in one sitting and it has certainly strengthened me even further. I shall purchase copies for friends and relatives who might also be helped by the reading.

      Finally, like you Christopher, I have read the Our Daily Bread series over the years — off and on — thanks to my beautiful mom passing them to me! And, I have always enjoyed them.

      And, thank you sooooo much for writing the Discovery Series — Tim Jackson!

  5. I haven’t read Tim Jackson’s book (yet) but am reading a book titled Heaven and the Afterlife by James L Garlow and Keith Wall, it’s very interesting and confirms Biblically some of the things that I have seen and experienced.

  6. Praise the Lord, again.! Every few months, I get to pick up one, from my church and it is a God send. When my brother, Bro. Leslie V. Carr, Jr., passed away in about maybe in July 26, 2014, I cried like a baby, because he was the next to the last one to go. He stayed fast in the word, but I’m going to miss him, because I loved my brother. Anyway, “Our Daily Bread “, helped to get through this awful ordeal. If it had not been for booklet, I don’t know what I would’ve done. All of family have passed away, except for me. My mother was a very good Christian and I can’t wait until He comes, so I can see my Mom and my brother. Keep on reading, “Our Daily Bread” and you’ll feel so much better. I read it every day and I feel so much better

  7. Hello My name is Chaplain Morrissette and I work with the prison ministry for the Philadelphia Department of Prisons I have an account with rbc and I am interested in ording the CB131 product. Please advise if it is best to order online or on the phone.

  8. Kingdom Greetings Saints of the Most high God,
    I am writing to inform you that the Life After Loss booklet has been a valuable tool and blessing to inmates I serve who have had a death in the family while in prison. I am requesting for CB131 Life After Loss booklets to help women and men who are incarcerated in the City of Philadelphia Prisons with grief after the loss of a love one. Please be so kind as to send the booklets to bless and comfort them while they are in prison.
    Grace and Peace to you all.

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