Moving Mountains: The Practice of Persistent Prayer

The Bible says a lot about the need for persistence and faith in prayer, and that God hears and answers prayers even to the point of moving mountains. But when your prayers aren’t answered based on what you hoped for, it can make you question whether or not you had enough faith. Moving Mountains reminds you that prayer isn’t about the amount of faith you have; it’s a matter of whether or not you believe God can do what you ask Him to do.  

Missing the Mission? Disciples in an Age of Abundance

We are hardwired for consumerism and comfort. Our deepest need, however, can only be satisfied in Jesus where we ultimately find our identity, security, and peace. So instead of getting comfortable in life and in our church pews, let’s reach out to people with the only “thing” that satisfies—Jesus.

Finding Peace in a Troubled World

Nothing could have been more disturbing to the disciples than to know that Jesus would soon be leaving them. And as their hearts shuddered with fear of the unknown, Jesus comforted them with His promise of peace. In this examination of John 14:1–6, we are reminded of God’s Spirit of peace that is available to us because of the death and resurrection of Jesus. As we put our trust in Jesus, we can find peace to calm our hearts, nurture our souls, and strengthen our relationships.

Compassion: Learning to Love Like Jesus

Displaying the character of Christ is not always easy, especially in a society that promotes selfish ambition. In this booklet, Dr. Vernon Grounds brings clarity to the meaning of compassion as he examines the life of Jesus. Discover how you can become a channel of God’s love and kindness when you follow the example of Christ—the One whose compassion never fails.

God With Us

No matter what you face in life, the decisions you make determine the course of your journey. Where can you find clear direction to help you make wise choices? In God With Us, author Alice Mathews examines the decisions made by Eve and Mary that continue to impact the world from generation to generation. Discover from their stories how you can find hope in God and make choices that reflect His will for your life.


Alice Mathews, PhD, served as Distinguished Professor of Educational Ministries and Women’s Ministries at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. She is the former Academic Dean for Christian University GlobalNet and cohosted the Discover the Word daily radio program for over 20 years.

God at the Center

God has called us to a joyful and victorious life in Him. While there’s no formula that delivers the ultimate faith-filled life, He has given us ways to daily strengthen our faith. Activities like talking with Him in prayer, reading the Bible, and serving Him and others lead us one step at a time into a deeper relationship. In God at the Center: Habits for Spiritual Growth, Luis Palau outlines clear steps we can take to build the fundamentals of faith to spiritual maturity.

Contents include:

  1. Talking with God in Prayer
  2. Reading God’s Book
  3. Cultivating Dependence on God
  4. Practicing Obedience to God
  5. Serving God and Others
  6. Becoming God’s Ambassador


Luis Palau is the author of more than 40 books, host of three international radio programs, and head of the Luis Palau Evangelistic Association. Luis has ministered in more than 70 nations and has reached more than one billion people through television, radio, print, and live events.

Being Jesus Online

It’s easy to hide behind our online facades and interact in ways that we never would face-to-face. But Jesus wants to be the God of all areas of our lives, including how we communicate in the digital realm. By adopting His mindset, we are better able to live out online some of the qualities that are close to His heart . . . truthfulness, wisdom, gentleness, and love. Being Jesus Online: Biblical Wisdom for a Wired World offers some practical insights for digital discernment.

Contents include:

  1. What Would Jesus Tweet?
  2. The Heart of the Matter
  3. Be Truthful
  4. Be Wise
  5. Be Gentle
  6. Be Loving


Dennis Moles is a Bible teacher and writer for Our Daily Bread Ministries. He brings nearly 20 years of experience as a pastor, chaplain, and college professor to his work with Discovery Series,, and webinars.

Hope: Choosing Faith Instead of Fear

In a world that is marked by uncertainty and fear, faith can sometimes be overshadowed by doubt. Many are left with a faded perspective on what lies ahead. In the pages of this booklet, author Bill Crowder shines the light to reveal a hope that can only be found in Christ. Discover how you can strengthen your faith and trust God, even in the midst of challenging times.

Bill Crowder joined the Our Daily Bread Ministries staff after more than 20 years in the pastorate. Bill works closely with Mart DeHaan as vice president of teaching content. Bill is heard regularly on the Discover the Word radio program and spends much of his time in a Bible-teaching ministry for Christian leaders around the world.

Transformed in His Image

In a society that has seemingly dismissed the issues of the heart, outward appearances have become the source of determining beauty and self-worth. This excerpt from Regina Franklin’s book Who Calls Me Beautiful? offers insights to help you recognize the value of your identity in God. Discover how you can get your heart in the right place, display an attitude that reflects your faith, and allow the beauty of Christ to shine through you.

Discipled by Jesus: Mary Magdalene’s Walk of Faith

How can you follow Jesus and develop a relationship of love and trust? In the booklet Discipled by Jesus, author Alice Matthews shares an excerpt from her book A Woman Jesus Can Teach. Gain insights from the life of Mary Magdalene and her encounter with Jesus. Discover how your faith can be strengthened, your priorities can be aligned with God’s will, and how you can allow Jesus to lead you in every area of your life.

Living an Authentic Christian Life

What does it mean to live a real Christian life? In an excerpt from his book Authentic Christianity, author Ray Stedman shares insights from 2 Corinthians to help you find the answer. Gain a better understanding of the unmistakable qualities of Christianity from Paul’s experiences as a follower of Jesus. Discover how you can live in total dependence on God and truly display His glory to others.

Cultivating A Heart Of Contentment

Finding contentment in life can be difficult especially when society paints a picture of materialism and covetousness. In this excerpt of his book True North, author Gary Inrig shares insights from Scripture to help you develop a lifestyle based upon kingdom principles. Find out how you can cultivate a heart of contentment when the compass of your soul points toward eternal gain rather than temporary pleasures.

Joseph: Overcoming Life’s Challenges

Some experiences in life bring disappointment, pain, and even failure. In this booklet, author Bill Crowder helps you gain a new perspective on dealing with difficulties, as he examines the life of Joseph. Find out how you can respond to your challenges with faith, hope, and confidence in the God who is always in control.

Bill Crowder joined the Our Daily Bread Ministries staff after more than 20 years in the pastorate. Bill works closely with Mart DeHaan as vice president of teaching content. Bill is heard regularly on the Discover the Word radio program and spends much of his time in a Bible-teaching ministry for Christian leaders around the world.

Kingdom Living Part 1 – Embracing The Virtues Of The King

In this excerpt of Eternity: Reclaiming A Passion For What Endures, author Joe Stowell explores seven compelling virtues that are reflected in the life of Christ. Discover how you can develop kingdom character and behaviors that display the fruit of the Spirit when you focus your passion on righteous living rather than on earthly recognition..

Mary & Martha: Balancing Life’s Priorities

When the important things in life take a backseat to the unnecessary, life can become unbalanced. In this booklet, author Alice Mathews offers timeless wisdom and a fresh perspective on balancing life’s priorities as she examines the biblical accounts of Martha and Mary. Find out how you can line up your priorities with God’s will and accomplish what needs to be done with joy and satisfaction.

Moses: His Anger And What It Cost Him

Sometimes your emotions and responses to life’s challenges can result in moments of anger and frustration. How you handle those feelings can have a great impact on the outcome of your circumstance. In this booklet, author Bill Crowder takes a look at the life of Moses and his struggle to manage his emotions. You’ll discover elements of character to help you shape your response in a way that is pleasing to God.

The Mind Of Christ

The Bible says that Christians are to be different—to positively influence the world rather than conform to it. Author Bill Crowder helps you to gain a better understanding of how you can reflect the attitude of Christ in your life. Discover how to refresh your thoughts with wisdom and season your words with grace. Experience the difference in what you’re thinking, when you develop the mind of Christ.

Bill Crowder joined the Our Daily Bread Ministries staff after more than 20 years in the pastorate. Bill works closely with Mart DeHaan as vice president of teaching content. Bill is heard regularly on the Discover the Word radio program and spends much of his time in a Bible-teaching ministry for Christian leaders around the world.

The Lord Is My Shepherd

Finding your way through life can be easier when you have the right One leading the way. In this excerpt of Every Day is a New Shade of Blue: Comfort for Dark Days from Psalm 23, author David Roper takes a closer look at the relationship between the Shepherd and the sheep expressed throughout Scripture. Gain insight from the lives of David, Isaiah, and others who found hope, encouragement, and rest under the watchful care of God.

Contents include:

  1. Who is God?
  2. Rest and Renewal
  3. Time Alone with God
  4. Listening to God
  5. Responding to God


David H. Roper was a pastor for more than 30 years and now directs Idaho Mountain Ministries, a retreat dedicated to the encouragement of pastoral couples. He enjoys fishing, hiking, and being streamside with his wife, Carolyn.


Overcoming Worry

Worry can either bring us to the Father in heaven, or it can drive us away from Him.  The challenge is how we choose to deal with it.  Overcoming Worry shares Joanie Yoder’s intense struggle with fear and worry, and how she realized that total dependence on God – not self-sufficiency – brought her out of darkness.  Author David Egner also offers a biblical and practical perspective on how we can put our worries to work for us, rather than allow them to consume us.  He spells out how we can actively trust God with the unknown and experience the beauty of His peace.

Contents Include:

  1. What Worry Can Do to You
  2. How Should We Deal with Worry
  3. How Can We Put Our Worries to Work for Us
  4. What Worry Can Do for You


Ruth & Hannah: Learning To Walk By Faith

Uncertainty in  not knowing what lies ahead can be frustrating. In this study, author Alice Mathews explores the stories of two women in the Bible whose circumstances led them on a journey of faith. Discover how you can move forward by faith and experience God’s peace in the midst of difficult times when you allow Him to lead the way.

Praying With Confidence: Overcoming Disappointment In Prayer

Having a conversation with God can sometimes be a struggle, especially when you feel that He has let you down. Find out how you can get past the disappointment and regain your confidence in God, as author David Egner shares five basic principles of prayer. Discover how you can renew your sense of joy and trust in God when you use His Word as the basis for your prayer.

Finishing Well: Gracefully Living With Life’s Changes

How well you end your earthly days depends largely on how well you handle the inevitable changes of life. In this booklet, author Herb Vander Lugt takes a look at the mental and spiritual adjustments needed to travel life’s road with the goal of finishing well. Gain insights from Scripture and biblical examples, and discover how you can leave a legacy that glorifies God.

Eve & Rahab: Learning To Make Better Choices

The decisions you make today can have a great impact on the way  you live tomorrow. In this study, author Alice Mathews examines the choices made by two women in the Bible who wrestled with problems similar to those of today. Gain insight and wisdom from the Word that will help you to make better choices in your life.

David & Manasseh: Overcoming Failure

Some things in life can only be understood through the consequences of failure. In this booklet, author David Roper shares lessons from the lives of David and Manasseh—their failures, how they responded, and most importantly God’s offer of forgiveness. Find out how you can move beyond failures in life when you allow God to take the worst and make it part of the good He has promised for you.

Dangerous Decisions: Learning From The Mistakes Of Lot & Achan

The decisions you make in life, whether good or bad, will inevitably set the tone for years to come. Find out how you can prepare for those critical moments in this excerpt of Defining Moments: When Choices Matter Most by author Dan Schaeffer. Gain insight from the lives of two biblical characters who made wrong choices. Discover how you can make wise choices during critical times that will glorify God and positively affect your future.