10 Reasons to Believe Christ Rose From The Dead


In a world filled with belief systems making religious claims, how can you know what to believe? How can you know who to follow? This brochure offers ten pieces of evidence and witness that verify that following Christ is reasonable. As this evidence is examined and tested—we find that it can also be trusted.


You’re not alone if you find yourself honestly unconvinced about whether Christ rose from the dead. But keep in mind that Jesus promised God’s help to those who want to be right with God. He said, “If anyone chooses to do God’s will, he will find out whether My teaching comes from God or whether I speak on My own” (John 7:17 NIV).



Contents include:

  1. A Public Execution Assured His Death
  2. A High Official Secured The Gravesite
  3. In Spite Of Guards, The Grave Was Found Empty
  4. Many People Claimed To Have Seen Him Alive
  5. His Apostles Were Dramatically Changed
  6. Witnesses Were Willing To Die For Their Claims
  7. Jewish Believers Changed Their Day Of Worship
  8. Although It Was Unexpected, It Was Clearly Predicted
  9. It Was A Fitting Climax To A Miraculous Life
  10. It Fits The Experience Of Those Who Trust Him



If you do see the reasonableness of the resurrection, keep in mind that the Bible says Christ died to pay the price for our sins, and those who believe in their heart that God has raised Him from the dead will be saved (Romans 10:9-10). The salvation Christ offers is not a reward for effort, but a gift to all who in light of the evidence put their trust in Him.