Let’s Pray

As much as we want to talk to God, sometimes it’s difficult to find words that express the emotions of our hearts. In this excerpt from his book Praying the Prayers of the Bible, author James Banks shares prayers from biblical characters to show us how we can use God’s own Word to talk to Him through every season of life. We are reminded that “He wants to bless us and draw us near with love that gives life to our souls,” and we’re encouraged to approach God just as we are with our praises and petitions.

Contents Include:

  1. Prayers to Praise and Honor God
  2. Prayers to Confess Sin and Humble Ourselves
  3. Prayers about Everyday Needs
  4. Prayers for Guidance and Direction
  5. Prayers to Say Thank You


Dr. James Banks loves to encourage people to pray.  He is the author of several popular books, blogs and magazine articles on prayer.  He has been a pastor and church planter over 25 years and lives with his wife Cari in Durham, North Carolina.  They have two adult children.



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78 Replies to “Let’s Pray”

      1. You pray with your Heart let our father in heaven know what you need.he knows what you want and need our God is a great and Loving God.
        I will pray for you, that God will hear your prayers and Help you on whatever you might need.God is good All the time.

  1. Find it very difficult to find words to pray because of my English. Can’t even pray when I am ask to pray at the fellowship

    1. Don’t be overcome by fear, let his love come forth through you, love overcast all fear, and just let the Holy Spirit use you. Don’t worry about how your words come out, or how they will sound. Let the Holy Spirit guide you. Remember you are the vessel, the very instrument he is using for that time, that season,that very moment they ask YOU to pray.Let go and let God use you.Those ears that need to hear that prayer, there ears will be opened, the hearts that need to feel the touch of your prayer, will listen with there heart. So relax and be still in the Lord, you’ll do great, God bless you

  2. I really appreciate the work this orgaisation is doing to save the souls of those who are lost in this world and turning lost souls back to Christ Jesus.

  3. This introduction to “Let’s Pray” was an answer to my prayer, this morning, just before I was going online to read today’s ODB devotional. God is good and always on time! I am looking forward to reading this entire book.

    1. Jaiden, I am pleased to be asked to pray that you will feel better. Whether you are hurt in body, mind, or spirit, I am praying for your relief right now. May God heal and relieve your pain! I care!

  4. Thank you so much for your book on how to pray, I am struggling with my prayers to God. I find myself saying the same thing over and over again, So I’m wondering if God really hears my prayers.

  5. First visit to Discovery Series. I saw the website in Our Daily Bread under the March 11th reading by Philip Yancey. Thank you

  6. Thank you for the series. I am a recovering addict. I look forward to building my relationship with my higher power

  7. ODB has brought much joy & peace to my heart & spirit from reading daily scriptures.Thank you so much for your miistry. I’ve been receiving the ODB booklets & other awesome items for almost 16yrs now…your ministry saved my life. I thank God for this ministry daily. God Bless.

  8. I love the prayers and scriptures that you guys have included in this book. Thank you for making easy for others and myself to pray to our heavenly Father.

  9. trying to order “Let’s Pray”, I’m not sure it went through. I entered required fields, however donation for $25.00 entry was blank upon review of my order. I re-entered the amount several times. Did this order go through. If so the donation is $25.00, only. If it did not I still would like to order this booklet. Thank you.

  10. Thank God for you and thanking God that He loves us so, for He is timely, He knows our needs and our hearts desires. Just when I needed my prayer life to be more ‘meaningful’ for want of a better word, He Give the right ingredience… God bless

  11. God bless you Jaiden. May He perfect all that concerns you and cause the lines to fall in good and pleasant places for u. (Amen)

  12. I thank god every day for waking me up every morning. He guide me each every day. Thank god for job, home to lived, and food to eat. I thank god for everything.

  13. I believe. That Prayer is the main essence to a fruitful relationship with the Almighty God. “Pray At All Times” He commands us to do.

  14. What a great book.Thank You for the PDF format.Im in Malaysia now and will purchase `this book once Im in Cayman Island

  15. Thank you for the booklet, “Let’s Pray”. It will help me, with my prayers. I want to be a more effective prayer, and not say the same things over and over.

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