Let’s Pray

As much as we want to talk to God, sometimes it’s difficult to find words that express the emotions of our hearts. In this excerpt from his book Praying the Prayers of the Bible, author James Banks shares prayers from biblical characters to show us how we can use God’s own Word to talk to Him through every season of life. We are reminded that “He wants to bless us and draw us near with love that gives life to our souls,” and we’re encouraged to approach God just as we are with our praises and petitions.

Contents Include:

  1. Prayers to Praise and Honor God
  2. Prayers to Confess Sin and Humble Ourselves
  3. Prayers about Everyday Needs
  4. Prayers for Guidance and Direction
  5. Prayers to Say Thank You


Dr. James Banks loves to encourage people to pray.  He is the author of several popular books, blogs and magazine articles on prayer.  He has been a pastor and church planter over 25 years and lives with his wife Cari in Durham, North Carolina.  They have two adult children.



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78 Replies to “Let’s Pray”

    1. I have placed an order for 10 booklets of Let’s Pray and 10 booklets of Life After Loss. Please send me these booklet and send my donation by check. My family and I really enjoy the Daily Bread and the booklets. They have been a great help and comfort to us. Thank you and May God Bless You all. Karen & Georgia Deaton.

  1. Hi I would like to recirve daily devotions and the booklet please thank you. I want to. E closer to God to hear from him to guide me. I feel lost at times and I don’t know what to do. I feel alone and hurt. I have confessed my sins and asked for forgiveness but I struggle everyday feeling that I am not being pleasing to God I will do anything to hear from God

    1. Dear Tammie,
      God loves you and has forgiven you even before you asked. He does not condem us, but is closer to us that we can imagine. Know that its the devil that wants to keep you bound with thoughts of inadequacy. Wake up each day and declare ‘I am a child of God! God loves me! I am pleasing in his sight! I please him everyday! I am blessed! I am washed in the blood of Jesus! I am the righteousness of Christ in God! In him I live and move and have my being! I am more than conquerors through Christ! I have the mind of Christ! I think about what is lovely, pure and true only’ And so on! Keep the devil outta your mind!
      God speaks to our hearts everything through many means. Just relax and listen… You’ll get a hang of it. You can also ask the holy spirit to help you listen

      God bless.

  2. I’ve tried to order 10 Let us Pray booklets with a donation for $10, but it won’t accept my donation. Says it is invalid.

  3. I am trying to order a couple of these booklets but cannot complete the order form since the Province (New Brunswick) entry somehow does not meet the requirements of the dialog box. Appears that there may be too many characters than this field will allow. Please advise how I can proceed with the ordering.

    John Chute

  4. I have really been blessed by the books that you guys have sent me, i pass them out as well.it is my greatest joy to see someone else get saved and come to the Lord, besides being a watchman for the Lord,once again thank you for helping me spread the gospel of christ,one day we will be with christ and we will never part,until we talk again love you my friend.

  5. i have made several attempts to order Let’s Pray booklets, but each time i fill in the form and click “donation” nothing happens. then i click submit and am told i need to enter an amount, even though there is no option allowing me to enter it. everything just stays the same and i cannot advance further. i know of several persons who would advance so much in the faith if they had prayer guidance. this is important so that they too can give God the Father all of His glory.

  6. Todays’ ODB devotional, Jan 7, 2017 about 33 miners trapped underground reminded me that one of the answers to prayer was when 33 New Testaments, Psalms & Proverbs were requested and delivered to the miners.

  7. Glory be to the only begotten of the Father, the Lord Jesus Christ…(II Samuel 7:4,12-17) made of the seed of King David, and born of the virgin Mary by God’s spoken word of promise.

    The ministry and timely word of God sent through your Our Daily Bread has been and it still is a blessing to me…(Acts 3:26)

    Thank you very kindly for sharing.

    Yours in Christ

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