The destructive power of words can be a crushing force in a marriage—or in any relationship. In this booklet, counselor Jeff Olson helps you get a better understanding of the way words can be used as an instrument of building up or a weapon of tearing down. Find out how you can overcome the pain of verbal abuse and diffuse conflict in your relationship as you explore the power of words between husbands and wives.
When We Love Too Much: Escaping The Control Of Codependency
Years ago, the term codependency was associated with family members of chemically addicted people. Today, it is applied to a much broader group—those who struggle with controlling others or being controlled by others. In this booklet, counselor Jeff Olson helps you discover how you can be free from the stresses and anxieties of codependency and how to get on the path to a better way of living with God and others.
When We Just Can’t Stop: Overcoming Addiction
Battling to conquer addiction is one of the most difficult challenges in life. However, you will find help and encouragement in the pages of this booklet as co-authors Tim Jackson and Jeff Olson examine the destructive cycle and what it takes to stop it. Discover how you can be satisfied and complete in God, as you surrender to Him the broken pieces of your life—only He can put them back together again.
When We Don’t Measure Up: Escaping The Grip Of Guilt
A life filled with guilt over not measuring up to others’ expectations can drain you spiritually, emotionally, and physically. Find hope and a way of escape from your feelings of guilt, as counselor Jeff Olson shares insight from Scripture to help you understand your true identity in Christ. Discover how you can experience freedom from the exhausting grip of guilt when you live by God’s standards and not the opinions of others.
When Trust Is Lost: Healing For Victims Of Sexual Abuse
Sexual abuse is one of the few crimes that brings more shame to the victim than to the offender—the devastating loss of innocence and relationship can last a lifetime. Discover how you can find hope that leads to healing and peace as Dan Allender, professor of counseling at Western Seminary in Seattle, shares a process of recovery for both victims and offenders.
When Violence Comes Home: Help For Victims Of Spouse Abuse
Spousal abuse is one of the most rapidly growing problems in our culture today—even within the church. Gain insight into the causes and effects of marital abuse and find out how you can respond with godly intervention, as co-authors Tim Jackson and Jeff Olson offer help for both victims and offenders.
When The Pain Won’t Go Away: Dealing With The Aftereffects Of Abortion
Each year, an estimated 50 million abortions occur worldwide, and many of these women struggle in silence with the pain of their decision. Gain a better understanding of post-abortion trauma and find hope to move forward in life as counselor Tim Jackson examines its cause and offers an avenue to forgiveness, healing, and restoration through God’s redemptive love.
When Tragedy Strikes: Finding Security In A Vulnerable World
What do you do in the wake of devastation? Where do you turn for safety? How do you deal with the shock, pain, fear, and anger that overwhelm you? Find hope and a sense of security in the pages of this booklet, as counselor Tim Jackson shows you how to survive and even grow in the face of violence, disaster, and tragedy.
When Power Is Misused: Finding The True Strength Of A Man
Being strong is an essential God-given component of masculinity; however, using that strength to dominate, bully, and hurt others becomes a misuse of the good thing God has given. Counselor Jeff Olson uses the examples of biblical characters to help you understand where, how and why power can be abused. Discover your true strength and how you can use it for good rather than for evil.
When Hope Is Lost: Dealing With Depression
Giving up on life or feeling that life has given up on you is a battle millions of people face in struggling with depression. In this booklet, counselor Jeff Olson takes a closer look at the nature and various components of depression. Discover how you can avoid being overwhelmed by the darkness of depression and experience the light of God’s hope for your future.
When Forgiveness Seems Impossible
What is true forgiveness? How can you know that you have let bygones be bygones? Take the journey to forgiveness with counselor Tim Jackson as he offers you Jesus’ plan for forgiveness. Discover how you can experience healing from feelings of hurt, betrayal, and anger and how you can develop a heart of mercy.
When Help Is Needed: A Biblical View Of Counseling
When times of overwhelming pressure and stress lead you to seek help, where do you go and how can you know if the guidance you’re getting is trustworthy? Counselor Tim Jackson takes you through a personal assessment with a series of questions and insight from Scripture that will help you understand when, how, and where to turn for biblical counseling.
When Anger Burns
Anger is one of the most powerful emotions—it can be productive and loving, as well as destructive and selfish. In this booklet, counselor Tim Jackson offers help through the wisdom of Scripture to those who are struggling with issues of anger. Find out how you can get to the root of your anger and take on the qualities of patient restraint when you place your anger under God’s management.
When Disappointment Deceives
No one is immune to disappointment—not even God! In this booklet, counselor Jeff Olson challenges you to take an in-depth look at what is really going on when your heart is wounded. Discover how you can see beyond the deceptive, misleading, and destructive lies of Satan and find the truth that leads to healing and freedom.
Designed For Desire: God’s Design For Sexuality
How can you control your sexual desires in a culture that has turned sexual seduction into an industry and an art? Find out what the Bible says about sexuality, as authors Mart De Haan and Tim Jackson offer insight into the God-given capacity for intimacy and desire. Discover a route of escape from the darkness of a sexualized world and gain a sense of hope for a brighter future.
When A Spouse Is Unfaithful
In a society that glamorizes extramarital affairs, protecting your marriage relationship from a breach of trust or dealing with the pain of unfaithfulness can be overwhelming. In this booklet, counselor Tim Jackson offers help and healing to marriages devastated by the snare of disloyalty. Gain understanding of the various aspects of false relationships, and discover how you can apply biblical principles to help you walk through the process of restoration.