Truth with Love

“Sharing the gospel is the most important conversation we can have with someone.” But sometimes talking with people of other faiths can be challenging. In this booklet, Ajith Fernando shares from his personal experience, offering insight from Scripture and guiding principles to help you relate more wisely and lovingly.  Find out how you can tell others about Jesus, be knowledgeable and respectful of differences, and stand firm in your own beliefs.

Contents Include:

  1. The Messenger
  2. The Message


Ajith Fernando serves as Teaching Director of Youth for Christ in Sri Lanka. Ajith is a visiting lecturer and Council President of Colombo Theological Seminary and also serves as Visiting Scholar at Tyndale University College and Seminary in Toronto. He has written 15 books and his books have been published in 19 different languages.

31 Replies to “Truth with Love”

    1. I agree with your comment and feel the same. Your last name intrigued me. I served six years in the military at the Pentagon with Antoreca (Tory) Phinazee, originally from GA. Is she a relative? She has been a blessing to me. I thank God for placing her in my path.

  1. I am very shy. I want this resource to encourage me along with His Word to show God’s Love to all I come in contact with. Thank you.

  2. I just want say that the booklet named, “Our Daily Bread” is the best booklet, that I ever read, in the world! The booklet runs from September 1st through November 30th. Each and every day, I read the days scripture and I can’t wait to read the next day’s scripture, with anticipation !!

    Anyway, thank God and the people he uses, to write the booklet. Have a blessed day keep up Gods’ work !

  3. I love reading the daily bread ,If it were not available for me to read , I would not know how I would comprehend what I am reading most of the time. I want to learn all that God allows me to learn , and I pray that I can be all that God wants me to be . I am so thankful to know that Jesus is Lord. Peace and blessings to you all and thank you for your selfless service .

  4. I have been truly blessed by Our Daily Bread.
    I am not where I want to be in my Christian walk but I pray I get there.
    The daily devotional is helping me read my Bible daily and getting to know more about our Heavenly Father.
    I pray we all make heaven, amen!

  5. thank you for our daily bread .it starts my day ,and i pray and talk to Jesus every morning.may god richly bless each of you.keep looking up to him and his wisdom .Jim r Duncan Ina IL usa

  6. Our Daily Bread has helped me as far back as I can remember,
    even through my fallen years in the Crack, I would pick it up and find comfort and hope.
    I know that the Lord never left me alone even though I felt I was.
    Sometimes we have to fall and break in order to find our need for God.
    The stories in Our Daily Bread helped me understand That.
    I Thank God for Our Daily Bread.
    After 8 years clean time, My life is still hard but I read and find comfort
    knowing the Lord is still with me, making me brand new.
    I am His and He Is mine. In Jesus Name.

    1. I commend you for your strength and resilience found by overcoming your addiction. Only through Christ Jesus are we able to face each new day. He, the Holy Spirit, Jesus, and Father God is a breathe away. I have 30 years of recovery and Father God is the one I give all the glory to.
      “We are more than conquerors through Christ Jesus, our Lord and Savior.” Be blessed

  7. I try to read my Bible daily, but even in my busy schedule I sometimes fall short of my reading but I am trying to get better, asking for God to continue to be on my heart and encourage me daily, and as for our daily bread I love reading it on a daily basis, I don’t think I could make it through my day without my word, thank you our daily bread ministry.

  8. I started reading Our Daily Bread when I was just a teen that was 3 decades ago and how it continually helps me on my devotional… Thank you to all who put it together and to those who continue to maintain and share precious articles. God bless you greatly!

  9. I, too, read the Daily Bread every single day and have done so for over 46 years so far.
    I am not as I want to be but that will be soon when I am with Jesus. Thank you so very much for making this booklet
    and now it comes to me on my computer. Thank you so very, very much. May the Lord keep you and watch over you.

  10. Most mornings I read the Our Daily Bread it always gets my day started with a good feeling I always ask God to open up my mind and help to hear what ever he is saying to me and that I be obedient to his word.

  11. I have been reading the Daily Word for many years . I got my first copy in my doctor’s office. I enjoy reading it ,sometimes I get carried away and I find myself reading the next day reading.

  12. I grew up atheist, but fortunately GOD had my name written in His book and I became a Christian. Our Daily Bread has been the most constant and trustworthy source of helping me to understand our heavenly Father better and how we can apply each verse to our lives daily. Twenty years later, I’m using the bible in a year option to learn and grow more. More important though, is how many people I’ve referred to ODB, who in turn have come to understand our LORD Jesus better, as they continue to read ODB and then share the Truth with others. The ripples of your hard work and effort are immeasurable here on earth, but one day we will see all those who daily have been blessed because His Word will not return to Him void. May the LORD our GOD and Father keep you and cause His face to shine upon you always.

  13. I read my Bible daily, it takes an awful lot to make it otherwise. I also read the daily bread at the same time and have found the D. B. helps me gain a better insight to the Bible. Thank you all for an excellent series..
    Will St. Peter

  14. Please send me the booklet Truth with Love. Alone with the donation needed for the book. (please)
    Joseph Hutchinson
    320 Indiana Street
    Union, NJ 07083

  15. I love the daily bread. I feed on it every morning. If not time to eat breakfast at home I run to my office to eat my daily bread. Many thanks to all who make this daily bread available every day.

  16. Thankyou so much for your love for our Saviour. The sharing you bring to us through our daily bread, brings us into his presence each day. Being able to start each day with the prompting of what is written,sets a mind frame that leads us on a personal journey throughout the whole day. Well done team! Keep it up you are appreciated even to the unsaved. I have often shared ODB comments with non Christians who cross my path through our playgroup and my coworkers.

  17. Just wanna thank God for making me come across our daily bread 8years ago and since then I have been bless so much. Today in our local church I’m a fellowship leader and the booklet help me so much in understanding of the word of God and making it so simple to explain to others. A big God bless you to everyone that has made this booklet possible. Amen

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